News and Events



Virtual Training cum Workshop on AICRPR Experiments and Intranet functionalities ( during 3 – 5 September, 2024

ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (ICAR-IIRR)  in association with Society for Advancement of Rice Research and International Rice Research Institute  (IRRI) is organizing Virtual training cum workshop on AICRPR Experiments and Intranet functionalities( during 3 - 5 September 2024.

This program targeted to sensitise AICRPR Co-operators on conduct of experiments and data uploading through Intranet with live demonstrations and discipline-wise hands on training sessions by using current year trial data. 


The last date for the registration is 27 August 2024.

For registration related queries, Kindly contact 

Dr. B. Sailaja

Principal Scientist, ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad.                      

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

Phone: 040-24591281

Mob: +91-9441242295.

ICAR-IIRR celebrated World Soil Day on 5 December, 2021 at Rudraram village, Ranga Reddy District, Telangana


            World Soil Day was organised on 5th of December, 2021 by ICAR-IIRR at Rudraram village, Shabad mandal, Ranga Reddy District of Telangana. A team of scientists from ICAR-IIRR belonging to Soil Science, Agronomy, Plant Breeding, Entomology and Pathlogy along with village sarpanch and more than 50 rice farmers were participated in the programme. Soil Scientists of ICAR-IIRR delivered talks on importance of soil day and its theme of the year (Halt soil salinization, boost soil productivity); highlighted the importance of soil health, primary and micro nutrient management, saline soil management, vermicompost preparation and straw management. Other subject scientists explained about newly released varieties with high Zn content and for pest and disease resistance; use of leaf colour chart (LCC) for urea economy; pest and disease management aspects etc. Soil samples brought by the farmers were analysed by rapid soil health testing kit and the soil health cards were generated on the spot and they were distributed to the farmers with proper guidelines on the fertiliser input management. Posters on soil sampling, saline soil management, compost preparation using straw, images of pest and diseases were displayed. 




Employment Corner : Walk-in/Virtual Interview Notification for Temporary Positions at IIRR


Research Associate / Senior Research Fellow / Junior Research Fellow / Technical Assistant / Young Professional I & II Notification 



Post:  Young Professional - I (Purchase Section)

Essential Qualifications:

Any Graduate degree from a recognized University


Should have working knowledge on GeM portal, e-procurement, e-office, preparation of purchase orders, bills, financial sanctions etc.

Preferably should have typing speed of at least 30 wpm.

Post:  Young Professional - I (Cash & Bills section)

Essential Qualifications:

Any Graduate degree from a recognized University


Should have working knowledge on e-office, preparation of bills, financial sanctions, releases to centers etc.

Preferably should have typing speed of at least 30 wpm.

Download : Notification   Application  


Project: "Evaluation of the effect of MADRAS 30 WG (PGR) on the Grain Yield of Rice under heat stress condition” (MIS 1015711)"

PI: Dr. Akshay S. Sakhare

Post:  Young Professional - I (01 Position)

Essential Qualifications:

Post Graduate Degree in Plant Physiology/Biochemistry/Molecular Biology/Plant Breeding.


Experience in conducting of Lab work, field and glass house experiments. Data recording and basic computer knowledge. One year work experience in rice.

Download : Notification   Application  


Post: Field Worker (01 Position)

Essential Qualifications:

Any degree with Plant Sciences/Life Sciences or Graduate/ Diploma in Agriculture Sciences/Graduate in any Science discipline.


Experience in conducting of field and glass house experiments. Data recording and basic computer knowledge. One year work experience in rice.

Download : Notification   Application  



Project: "AICRPR Testing Fee"

Post:  Young Professional - I (01 Position)

Essential Qualifications:


Bachelor of Sciences in Botany/Zoology/Graduates in Agricultural sciences.


Diploma holders in Agricultural Sciences /or Graduates in any discipline.

Minimum 5 Yrs experience in rice field maintenance, computer data entry and analysis, seed production, processing and trials maintenance.

Job description:

AICRPR trial preparation, seed production, data collection, sample analyses, field maintenance and organization of field days


  • Field experience
  • Documentation of field observations
  • Knowledge on computer operations (MS office)
  • Any additional qualifications relevant to the project

Download : Notification   Application  Corrigendum

Project: "AICRIP Contingencies"

Post:  Young Professional - I (02 Position)

Essential Qualifications:


Bachelor of Sciences in Botany/Zoology/Graduates in Agricultural sciences


Diploma holders in Agricultural Sciences /or Graduates in any.

Minimum 5 Yrs experience in rice field maintenance, seed production, processing and trials maintenance.

Job description:

AICRPR trial preparation, seed production, data collection, sample analyses, field maintenance and organization of field days


  • Field experience
  • Documentation of field observations
  • Knowledge on computer operations (MS office)
  • Any additional qualifications relevant to the project

Download : Notification   Application  Corrigendum



