

IIWBR, PAU, CCSHAU-Hisar, UAS-D, IARI- Indore (5)


Short term objectives 

  • Evaluation of wheat germplasm including diploids, tetraploids, bread wheat and synthetic hexaploids for identification of wheat accessions with high micronutrient density and  phytase levels  and low phytic acid content in Indian conditions.
  • Development of genetic stocks in high yielding backgrounds for higher micronutrient density and phytase levels and low phytic acid content.
  • Bioavailability studies to identify nutrient rich genotypes with higher bioavailable Fe and Zn. 

 Medium term objectives

  • Transferring Gpc-b1 gene into high yielding back grounds of wheat with the objective to enhance micronutrient density and higher grain protein content.
  • Transferring Gpc-b1 gene into high yielding back grounds of wheat with the objective to enhance micronutrient density and higher grain protein content.
  • Molecular mapping and tagging of genes associated with higher concentration of Fe and Zn, and higher phytase levels followed by genetic studies and molecular breeding.
  • Allele mining of genes for identification of desired alleles and their utilization in  breeding 

 Long term objective 

 Development of high yielding wheat genotypes with higher content of Fe and Zn and their enhanced bioavailability for the improvement of nutritional quality

 Target traits and centres: 



Main activity


Micronutrient evaluation, phytase gene characterization, phytate evaluation, Allele mining, breeding


Molecular breeding using Gpc-B1 gene and High Fe/Zn lines


Breeding for high Fe and Zn


Breeding for high Fe and Zn (Durum and Dicoccum)

IARI, Indore

Breeding for high Fe and Zn and protein content

 Target for the traits of interest



Current Target*

Enhanced Target



35 ppm

45 ppm


30 ppm

40 ppm




Common study across the partners: A common T. aestivum trial was conducted using 6 entries from IIWBR, 2 entries from CCSHAU Hisar and 5 entries from PAU, Ludhiana during 2017-18 at these centres. A common T. durum trial was conducted using 5 entries from UAS, Dharwad and 6 entries from IARI, Regional Station Indore at these centres.


Pranab Kumar Mandal, Shubham Rai, Megha Kaushik, Subodh Kumar Sinha, Rajesh Kumar Gupta and Anju Mahendru, Transcriptome Data of Cultivated Tetraploid and Hexaploid wheat variety during grain development, Data in Brief, https://doi.org/10.1016 /j.dib. 2018.12.058

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