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Knimbus Portal user guide and video

User guide


About ICAR-IIRR Library 

The ICAR-IIRR Library is well furnished and equipped with computers and Internet facility. The library has 4,700 books and 7,700 bound volumes of Journals specializing in Rice and allied subjects. It subscribes 55 Journals.  The Library is rich with its unique collections on Rice crop.  It has CD-ROM databases, technical reports, and annual progress reports. The Library receives Annual Reports, Newsletters and periodicals on complimentary basis.

Document Resources:

It also provides CD-Rom database search & retrieval service by using following databases.

1)    CROP CD 2) PEST CD 3) SOIL CD 4) AGRIS and   5) AGRICOLA 


Consortium for E-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) provides access to full text of 3951 journals from reputed publishers like Elsevier, Springer, Annual Review Inc., Wiley etc., Apart from users can request for articles to any of the libraries in the consortium through Document Delivery Service.


The library automation to enhance the utility of facilities at library through advanced software namely, KOHA is in progress. Library also works as repository centre. All the publications such as Bulletins, Annual Reports, and Technical Reports etc., published by the Institute are stocked and supplied on request.