
Hits: 9589


AICRIP Experimental database Portal( )

Rice Expert System (

IIRR Seed Portal(

IIRR Geoportal (

Spatial Rice Decision Support System (SRDSS)

Rice Pest Pheno-forecasting Portal

Rice Knowledge Management Portal (http://www.

IIRRSTAT- A Statistical Analysis Software for RBD and Split plot designs

Production Oriented Survey(POS) Data Portal

STARGRP- a Standalone software tool for Assessment  of  Reaction of Genotypes to Rice Pests

Rice Area, Production and Productivity Database

Released Rice Varieties Database

Database on Elite Rice Genotypes nominated in AICRIP

Database on Rice genetic stocks

Database on Rice genomic resources

Consortium Research Project (CRP)-  Biofortification Information System

Database on Rice insect pests in India- 3 decadal data from Production oriented survey

Database on Rice diseases in India-3 decadal data from Production oriented survey

Screening Nursery of Diseases database