UAS Dharwad

UAS Dharwad

PI: Dr Suma S. Biradar

Co PIs: Drs V. Rudra Naik, B.N.Patil, S.A. Desai            

In peninsular zone, macroni and emmer wheat occupy premier position. In fact, emmer wheat is considered as the quality wheat owing to its therapeutic traits like higher quantum of dietary fibre and protein content.

Identification of stable genotypes for Fe and Zn over the three locations (Dharwad, Ugar and Arabhavi): The fifty six advanced breeding lines of tetraploid genotypes were evaluated for Fe and Zn at three different agro ecological conditions viz., Dharwad (Zone 8), Kalloli (Zone 3) and Ugar (Zone 3) and four stable micronutrient rich tetraploid genotypes (>45ppm Fe and Zn) were identified from our centre viz., DDK-50383, DDK-50404, UAS-428, DDK-50366 and DDK-50391.

Development of superior micronutrient rich tetraploid genotypes thorough hybridization programme: The four high yielding tetraploid genotype as recipients and 15 micronutrient rich (Fe & Zn) advanced tetraploid wheat genotypes as donors were crossed in line x tester fashion during Rabi 2017-18. The resultant F1 hydrids will be evaluated for yield, its attributes, micronutrient content (Fe & Zn) and quality parameters in Rabi, 2018-19.

CRP Multilocation Trial 2018-19:

  •  combined trial of advanced genotypes from IARI, RS Indore and UAS, Dharwad was conducted at IARI, RS Indore and UAS, Dharwad including 11 genotypes with 2 replications. Morphological, agronomic and grain yield characteristics were recorded.
  • The experimental material for the study comprised of total 11 (5 germplasm accessions from AICRP on wheat, UAS, Dharwad and 6 advance breeding lines from IARI regional station, Indore) including checks were selected based on their superiority for grain micronutrient contents were evaluated during Rabi 2016-2017. List of genotypes evaluated for micronutrient (Fe and Zn) contents under CRP Bio-fortification trial during Rabi, 2017-18.  
Sl. No. Genotypes from UAS Dharwad
1 Dharwad 1= DDK-50383
2 Dharwad 2= DDK-50404
3 Dharwad 3=  UAS-428
4 Dharwad 4 = DDK-50366
5 Dharwad 5 = DDK-50391
Sl. No. Genotypes from IARI, RS, Indore
1  Indore 1 = IND 493 ( HI 1544 / HD 2987)
2  Indore 2 = IND 496 (HI 1544 / RAJ 3777)
3  Indore 3 = IND 505 (HI 1531 / HI 1544)
4  Indore 4 = ID 1706  (HI 8693 / HI 8663)
5  Indore 5 =  47th IDYN 717
6  Indore 6 (Check) = HI-8777

The micronutrient analysis of revealed that, among all the genotypes, DDK-50404 exhibited highest micronutrient content for both Fe and Zn contents. 

Genetic enhancement of high yielding durum wheat varieties for micronutrients through interspecific hybridization. 

  • Popularly cultivated durum wheat variety viz., UAS 415 was selected as recipient parent having low Fe (upto 35 ppm) and Zn (upto 30 ppm) content.
  • Identified the promising dicoccum germplasms with high Fe (49-58 ppm) and Zn (48-54 ppm) content were used as donors for breeding high grain micronutrient content.   

Development of segregating populations under CRP Biofortification project 

  • Developed 30 F2’s and 16 F3 populations of different crosses combination of dicoccum and durum wheat crosses. Micro nutrient analysis was done on each segregating breeding material and identified F2 and F3 populations superior recombinants for micronutrient content (Fe and Zn) and these will be valuable genetic stock for genetic improvement of grain micronutrient contents of tetraploid wheat. 

Molecular characterization of tetraploid genotypes for micronutrient (Fe and Zn content) though molecular markers and identification of potential SSR markers associated with grain micronutrients (Fe and Zinc).

  • A total of 56 genotypes were screened for the association of marker with the micronutrients (Zn & Fe content) with help of reported SSR markers. All the thirty SSR markers were used for screening all the advanced genotypes studied in the investigation. All the thirty SSR primers showed amplification, out of which only nine markers were found to be polymorphic among the genotypes.
  • Out of these nine polymorphic SSR markers, four markers viz., Xgwm361, Xbarc67, Xwmc617and Xwmc283 showed significant association with grain iron content, while the maker gwm271 with grain zinc content, marker Xgwm408 with grain protein content, marker Xbarc146 with both the traits like grain iron content and grain protein content. 
  • The markers strongly associated with grain micronutrients (Xbarc146, Xwmc617, Xbarc67, Xwmc283, Xgwm361, gwm271, Xgwm408) can be used in marker assisted selection of these traits. Similarly, markers like Xbarc146 and Xgwm408 can be used for marker assisted selection of protein content. 
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